Sunday, March 20, 2011

Maybe when I've got more to say here. For now, music! The best ones -

1: Metric/Emily Haines (& the soft skeleton)

I feel like I'm unable to describe them well today, so the videos will do (for now). Love everything from Emily Haine's voice, her accent, (the acoustic versions! though I like the 'originals' too), to the lyrics. Each line short but packed with meaning.

Emily Haines - Eau de Toilette
(Jazzy! - now refer to third sentence of this post -)

Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton - Crowd Surf Off A Cliff

Are we breathing, are we breathing, are we wasting our breath?

Metric - Gimme Sympathy (Acoustic)

We're so close to something better left unknown
/I can feel it in my bones

Metric - Help I'm Alive (Acoustic)

Help I'm alive
My heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender
Come take my pulse the pace is on a runaway train

Metric - Sick Muse

Watch out Cupid
Stuck me with a sickness
Pull your little arrows out
Let me live my life

Metric - Twilight Galaxy (Acoustic)

I'm higher than high
Lower than deep
I'm doing it wrong
Singing along

Did I ask you
For attention
When affection
Is what I need

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